!hello everyone i'm jingshin! Want to become Singer? Come and ask!! But is not only asking, must work hard
سلام به همگی! من جونگ شین ام! میخواین خواننده بشین؟ بیاید و سوال بپرسید! اما فقط سوال نپرسید ,سخت هم کار کنید!

Thank you for your participation. Today’s Weibo chat ended happily!!! Let’s meet in Beijing Stadium! We will try to get close to everyone! Will go China often in future~
ممنونم برای شرکت امروزتون. چت ویبو امروز با خوشحالی به پایان رسید! بیاید همدیگه رو توی استادیوم بیجینگ ببینیم! ما تلاش میکنیم که به همدیگه نزدیک تر بشیم! ما به چین میایم در آینده!
اینم از سوال هاییه که از جونگ شین پرسیدن.ببخشید که نمیرسم ترجمه کنم همش رو :|
?Q: Who’s better at photography? You or YH
TBH, if only comparing photography, I’m still better
Q: Can you release a solo? Full of anticipation
JS: I’m very sorry
?Q: Did your recent diet plan succeed
JS: I thought it’ll fail because of MH! Restarted again now
?Q: will you consider singing a Chinese song
'JS: I’m practicing JJ Lin’s song now.. ‘practice love
Q: what happens to Simba when oppa is at work? He’ll be lonely
(JS: let him play alone at home or send him to his grandma’s (ie JS’ mum
?Q: secret to a good figure
JS: eat good food crazily, exercise crazily
JS said he’ll set up personal Weibo account
Q: JS-ah, find Simba a girlfriend
JS: I’m very busy with just Simba alone.. another one? kkk
?Q: Do you miss CN dorm life
JS: Yes, miss very much. Now, would sometimes feel very lonesome when I’m home alone. Luckily there’s Simba
Q: oppa when will you start your own fashion biz? caps or clothing
JS: No plans yet. It’s not so easy to start a biz
?Q: JS, can you please cook Chinese food
JS: Come teach me
?Q: Who’d u save if both YH & Simba fall into water
JS: impossible for both to fall into water together! If really happens, have to save both!
?Q: what are your hobbies
JS: golf and pool, really interesting
?Q: would you marry a fan
JS: Fate is a mysterious thing. Nobody knows what will happen
?Fans:Can YH cook?of the 4 who can cook best
JS:I can cook best hopefully there’s chance to let u all taste what I cook
(Fan: There’s a Zheng Xing Bank in China! (JS name in Chinese
JS: It’s opened by my grandfather! Hahaha… joking
?Q: Music that you like lately
JS: Maroon5’s new album
?Q: Is your brother as handsome as you
JS: He’s also very good-looking, but different style from me
Q: JS-ah, open a pet shop
JS: Setting up a business is very hard
?Q: Do you like desserts? Have you been to JH patbingsul shop
JS: Haven’t been. Will go when there’s a chance
?Fan: JS oppa! Do you know that you’re really very cute, very handsome
JS: You’re even cuter
?Q: type of roles you most want to take on? Any chance of 4 members in same drama
JS: I wanna take interesting roles. Same drama? Very hard
نظرات شما عزیزان:
ساعت6:55---24 مهر 1393
شین چه باحال شده جدیدا ^___^
یعنی اینم نصب کنم؟! یا تا وقتی هیون بیاد بصبرم؟.gif) پاسخ: منم هنوز وقت نکردم نصب کنم خخخ
ساعت22:47---22 مهر 1393
خيلي جالب بود ممنون.gif) پاسخ: خواهش :)
آرامیس و دارتانیان :| 
ساعت23:35---21 مهر 1393
روانی اونیم که پرسیده بود اگه سیمبا و یونگ همزمان تو آب بیوفتن کدومو نجات میدی؟ خخخخخ .gif) پاسخ:بعضی از سوال ها خیلی شیرین بود ... یونگ نقش پررنگی داشت خخخخ! ولی یعنی چی هردوشون رو! بچه پررو باید اول یونگ رو نجات بده!!!!!!!! سگ توی اب چیزیش نمیشه که!!!!!!!!!!